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Friday, May 26, 2017

It's A New Day And A New Blog!

Horror Across The Alley At Amazon.com Click Here
  Welcome to the first post of my new blog. Having published my first book, I felt it time to expand and create a place that best reflects my writing efforts, keeps you up on what's in the making, and provides links to some of my favorite authors. (Coming Soon)

  I first want to thank all of you that have ordered "Horror Across The Alley."  Your continued enjoyment is why I do this and I sincerely hope the book didn't disappoint you in any way. 

  There's no formality here and I hope you feel free to make plenty of comments (hopefully positive) about what's taking place and if you're enjoying it or not.  I'm hoping for truthful reviews and comments, positive or negative from those stopping by. I appreciate all criticism, as long as it is presented in a constructive and professional manner, rather than mean and evil. (Let's leave that to some of the characters in my writing. Cool?)

  (However, if you're a troll home on a Saturday night, since no one will accept you in a relationship, please, go pick your pimples and find something else to do rather than try to act like a superior being and post typical troll crap. I'll know better and so will the other readers, so don't make a fool of yourself. Go troll Huffpost comments. You're good at that!) 

* * * * *

  So, In February of this year, a wonderful, close friend of mine, Terrye Toombs, jumped all over my tail about not finishing a novel that I've been working on for over a decade. It's a tremendous piece of work, but for the life of me, I couldn't come up with an ending that wasn't cliche or done before. I was frustrated, and her not so nice comments about not finishing it made me even more upset.

  She finally made a suggestion ... start another book instead of wasting my time on the first. (See ... women really are smarter!) I tossed the idea around a few days, came up with an idea, and started typing. I neglected several things (a beginning, an ending, an outline, etc.) which would have saved me a tremendous amount of time in the rewrite/edit stages, but we all have to learn. Right?

  Anyway, I had the first draft done in just over a week. The next two months were spent doing all the stuff writers hate ... rewriting, editing, finding someone to make a cover for a Kindle version as well as print ... you know, all the "fun" stuff.

  Terrye pushed me and never let up. She's the only person I know that can make you feel the crack of a whip in Facebook Messenger.  Did I know what I was doing? Hell, no, not in the least. But, I was learning little by little. Her support was non-stop and I owe her a debt of gratitude that I'll never be able to repay ... even on a monthly payment plan with reduced interest. 

  Finally, with much trial and error, mostly on my part, Horror Across The Alley was published. I need to thank Carolee Samuda-Bailey for giving freely of her time and coming to my aid in this part of the process. Carolee also designed the book's cover. (Great job! Isn't it?) 

  Of course, on the day both versions were to be made available to the public, a couple of glitches were found and availability was delayed for 27 hours. Talk about stress. My wife knew when it finally all came together, and I'd been up about 32 hours straight staring at the computer screen waiting for it to happen, to just leave me alone.  

  Were my troubles over? Not in the least. The first batch of books was published with five typos or pronoun problems that had gone undetected in the final editing. Once again, changes were made and the book is now viewed as corrected. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it will stay that way.  If you happen to have one of the "typo" copies, hey, hang on to it. I'm old and won't be around forever. It might be worth something one day. (My wife is holding tightly on to hers in hopes of that taking place.)

  I did an author's review of the book in my other blog, "That's Life ... Sometimes!" a couple of weeks ago. I won't bore you with that again, but if you missed it and are interested, here's the link to it.

  So, that's part of the story behind "Horror Across The Alley." If you haven't got your copy yet, shame on you. Even if you're not a horror genre fan, I think you'll enjoy it.

* * * * * 


  I was just fortunate to be interviewed by a person that is known for her interviews in the professional arena, and survived her own personal horror experience. I'm not going to tell you who she is, but I will say the interview will be published on June 7th. It contains a lot of information I didn't mention here, as well as some about a future effort of mine. I'll post a link as soon as it is released!!!


  Book Two is currently in production. The first draft is completed and the "fun" stuff is now on the table. It looks like the middle to the end of June, if the cover and such are completed by then. I will say that this one is not a paranormal chiller, but rather one that deals with real evils that have faced us for decades.

Thanks for coming by!  
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 on any upcoming news and promotions.



  1. Oh I do love me some Terrye...and happy she sparked your creativity and this wonderful book.

    I love your message to the trolls (as if they would mess with you with me as your Italian Sis...)

    Can hardly wait for the second book... I'm proud to be your first comment on this awesome blog. Hugs, Sis

    1. Thank you so much, by friend. I'm honored that you are the first here to comment. It means a lot, to say the least. You're the best! Again, all my thanks!
