Okay, sounds like a sales pitch, right? Well, damn it, when a writer spends months of their life putting down and fine-tuning a story, they need to find an audience who appreciates their efforts. Let's be real, when was the last time you devoted six to eight hours a day toward something and received nothing for it? That's what I thought. So, you can see why it's important to a writer for his audience to purchase a copy of their efforts.
In addition, a writer has many expenses most don't realize. Editors aren't cheap. Neither are cover creators. And, advertising isn't free. It takes quite some time just to break even. I'm not bitching, just being honest. We love creating, but aren't here to give our efforts away for free, either.
Anyway, here is the link to pick-up your copy. I sincerely appreciate all who decide that they're not too good to purchase a book from someone they know who puts their heart and soul into each word they put into print.
In addition, if you don't want to use your credit card on Amazon, I'll be at the Deadman's Tome table at Scarefest this coming weekend, Sept. 13th - 15th. Along with me there will be three other fantastic authors ... James Watts, Chris Miller, and Tony Evans. Stop by and see us there if you can. This year's Scarefest has a shitload of special guests you'll want to see. In fact, here's a link for you to take a gander at and drool.
So, that's it for now. Train of Blood and Scarefest ... two things you need to break open your piggy bank for this week. Hey, if you get a cup of coffee at Starbucks every day, you can afford the book and the event.
Till next time ...